I WON’T stand for this (I hope you don’t either)

Yesterday I clicked on someone’s sales page link and audibly gasped when I came across this sentence on their page:

“If you don’t have an engaged email list, you don’t have a business.”



While I agree that having an email list is one of the most efficient ways to run a business, it’s not mandatory.

And that kind of thinking really irks me. I won’t stand for it.

Our job as business owners is to convince our potential clients that they need us. But you don’t have to twist the truth to get there.

Marketers who claim their method is the “only” way to succeed are the reason so many people are wary of marketers in the first place.

In reality, I know SEVERAL successful business owners who either don’t have an email list at all, or BARELY use email to generate sales.

For instance, my mom in law ran a highly successful dog grooming business in my hometown for twenty years — and never had an online presence.

She made more clients by being REALLY good at what she did and by implementing a new call-back system no one else was using at the time.

But if you’re looking for an online example, my mentor Laurel Portie is living proof that you can build a 7-figure business without an engaged email list.

In Laurel’s case, she uses ads to get in front of more people and start conversations.

So there’s a cost to her method.

BUT – it works.

Am I trying to dissuade you from growing and nurturing an email list? Absolutely not.

But I do want you to know you have options when it comes to booking more clients.

Email happens to be my favorite method for the following reasons:

  • Once people are on your list, email is a virtually free method to build relationships with your subscribers
  • Compared to social media platforms, email has a bigger organic reach (unless you’re sending spam)
  • List-building is relatively easy (and cheap if you know what you’re doing)
  • Writing comes easily to me, unlike video (yet I still do video content because I know how valuable it can be)

That last point is a bit of an issue for a lot of people I know. Like most of my clients.

They KNOW how much email marketing can help them connect to their audience in a genuine, sustainable way…

… but they struggle to consistently show up and write emails their subscribers will love and resonate with.

Either because they don’t know how…

… or because writing just doesn’t come naturally to them.

If the latter applies to you, I’d love to help.

I’m taking on two new private email clients to strategize and build an evergreen welcome sequence before the end of 2022.

This nurture sequence will ensure your new subscribers learn to know and trust you when they land into your world.

Even if you rarely email your list, this evergreen sequence will warm up your new leads so they’re ready to buy before your next launch.

If you’re interested in grabbing a spot, send me a DM right here with “tell me more” and I’ll give you more info.


Hey, I'm Charlene!

Hey, I'm Charlene!

I help SaaS companies generate traffic & sales with damn good content that ranks & converts.